Be assured …

It’s normal to experience some negative thoughts, feelings and emotions when you’re injured or in pain: Our 1-2-1 Injury and Pain Psychology Support can help you with these.

But, if at any time …

You experience mental health concerns (see examples below), you should first go to your GP or a registered mental health professional for support (see ‘How to Find Mental Health Support’ further below). This is because mental health concerns such as these can affect your recovery and reduce our effectiveness.

We can help you with our 1-2-1 Support when …

  1. You have seen your GP or a mental health professional, and
  2. They confirm that you don’t have a mental health concern that requires therapy or medication. Or once you have completed your programme of therapy or on stable medication.

Please note that if during our 1-2-1 Support we have concerns for your mental health, we will refer or signpost you to mental health support.

Examples of Mental Health Concern

When you…

  • Feel unhappy, sad or irritable most of the time.
  • Feel worried, nervous, overwhelmed and/or anxious most of the time.
  • Have emotional struggles that are interfering with your ability to function at work, at college/Uni, at home or in relationships.
  • Have thoughts of harming yourself and/or others. If so, please see and act upon ‘Urgent Help for Your Mental Health’ below or Call 999 / go to A&E if the risk is impending or immediate.
  • Struggle with substance abuse or other addictions.
  • Have had or are having a significant life change or loss, e.g., the illness or death of a loved one or the loss of a significant relationship.
  • Have an eating disorder and/or struggle with body image.
  • Have experienced abuse or trauma at any time in your life and are struggling with how that affects you now.
  • Have difficulty with your sexual orientation.

How to Find Mental Health Support / What Will Happen

Please note: we are not a mental health or emergency mental health service.

All of the following can help you (Please keep a record of their numbers so you have them if you need it.)

  • Your GP. They will offer you advice based on your situation and might refer you to your local NHS Psychological Therapies Service (IAPT).
  • Your local IAPT. You can also self-refer to a IAPT: Find your local IAPT service and more information of the mental health concerns they support.
  • A British Psychological Society (BPS) Chartered Clinical Psychologist. The BPS Society Register will help you find one.

How to Get Urgent Help for Your Mental Health

If your mental or emotional state quickly gets worse or you’re in crisis or despair, it’s important to get help quickly for immediate advice and assessment. NHS information and approved services that are available to help you. Please have a look and keep a record of any helpful numbers.

CALL 999 or GO TO A&E if you feel that yours or someone’s life is at risk or you cannot keep yourself or someone else safe.

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